
Fabio Rognini Srl

is a company with 35 years of experience, specialized in the fields of industrial bags and of flexible packaging. As a company we are committed to support managers, technicians and analysts in finding solutions and machineries appropriate to the needs encountered. Our aim is to ensure a professional, timely and accurate service of technical support, maintenance and of machinery overhaul, always striving to improve the efficiency and productivity of the client’s company. Fabio Rognini Srl. offers not only services and equipment, but also the development of dedicated projects upon request from the customer. Thanks to the international network developed over the years, we also deal with the reconditioning of second hand machinery, their installation and the final testing, all complete with warranty. Depending on the customer needs, reconditioning can be done on site or in our factory. Fabio Rognini Srl. is a company that combines the experience with the continuous updating and continuous investment, both technological and human.

The approach we use is the following:

develops each project and intervention with expertise, commitment and competence.

  1. 1
    Define the problem, the objectives and the available resources
  2. 2
    Establish of guidelines that reflect the current situation as a reference for improvements
  3. 3
    List and prioritize the potential causes of the problems
  4. 4
    Identify, test and implement solutions to the problems
  5. 5
    Monitor the development of the solutions implemented to ensure a continuous and sustainable improvement